Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Muddy Sugar Hollow

Today was a gorgeous day!  My river trip for work was cancelled due to just enough rain last night to raise the headwater streams and make the water too turbid to look for mussels.  Ah well.  So, I headed home.  When I stepped out of the car, I swear it felt like May!  "Too nice to sit inside all day," says I.  I grabbed the camera and off I went to Sugar Hollow Park.

We've gotten quite a bit of rain lately, and I tried looking up numbers, but it was an epic fail.  I digress.  If you've been to Sugar Hollow, you know there's a wetland in the middle of it.  Well, it works.  Recent rains flooded the wetland, and when the water receded, it left about 4-6" of mud on the trail.  It was a little nutty.  Anyway, here are some photos I took along the way.

 Here's a good shot showing just how muddy it was.  Man!  Lots of people had braved it, though.  So, onward I went.

There was lots of debris on the wooden walkways across the wetland.

The sun was out in full effect today!

This tree stuck out to me for some reason...

I love reflection shots... it's hard to get a good one sometimes.

The mallards have taken the wetland over after the rains.  I can't believe I got this picture!

This guy kept cocking his head at me, but I could never snap the pic at the right time.  Dangit!

Another accidental shot of my hair in the wind...

I wanted to take a picture of my muddy boots and pants, but my SD card was full.  Ah well, some things aren't meant to be.

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